Machine Learning Challenge: Day 3
How Machine Learning Models work
We'll start with an overview of how machine learning models work and how they are used. This may feel basic if you've done statistical modeling or machine learning before. Don't worry; we will progress to building powerful models soon.
This roadmap will have you build models as you go through the following scenario:
Your cousin has made millions of dollars speculating on real estate. He's offered to become a business partner with you because of your interest in data science. He'll supply the money, and you'll supply models that predict how much various houses are worth.
You ask your cousin how he's predicted real estate values in the past, and he says it is just intuition. But more questioning reveals that he's identified price patterns from houses he has seen in the past, and he uses those patterns to make predictions for new houses he is considering.
Machine learning works the same way. We'll start with a model called the Decision Tree. There are fancier models that give more accurate predictions. But decision trees are easy to understand, and they are the basic building block for some of the best models in data science.
For simplicity, we'll start with the simplest possible decision tree.
The training set includes passengers' survival status (also known as the ground truth from the titanic tragedy), which along with other features like gender, class, fare, and pclass is used to create a
It divides houses into only two categories. The predicted price for any house under consideration is the historical average price of houses in the same category.
We use data to decide how to break the houses into two groups, and then again to determine the predicted price in each group. This step of capturing patterns from data is called fitting or training the model. The data used to fit the model is called the training data.
The details of how the model is fit (e.g., how to split up the data) are complex enough that we will save them for later. After the model has been fit, you can apply it to new data to predict the prices of additional homes.
Improving the Decision Tree
Which of the following two decision trees is more likely to result from fitting the real estate training data?
The decision tree on the left (Decision Tree 1) probably makes more sense, because it captures the reality that houses with more bedrooms tend to sell at higher prices than houses with fewer bedrooms. The biggest shortcoming of this model is that it doesn't capture most factors affecting home price, like the number of bathrooms, lot size, location, etc.
You can capture more factors using a tree that has more "splits." These are called "deeper" trees. A decision tree that also considers the total size of each house's lot might look like this:
You predict the price of any house by tracing through the decision tree, always picking the path corresponding to that house's characteristics. The predicted price for the house is at the bottom of the tree. The point at the bottom where we make a prediction is called a leaf.
The splits and values at the leaves will be determined by the data, so it's time for you to check out the data you will be working with.
Here is the Project One: Classification Walkthrough using Titanic Dataset
California Housing Prices¶
This is the dataset used in the second chapter of Aurélien Géron's recent book 'Hands-On Machine learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow'. It serves as an excellent introduction to implementing machine learning algorithms because it requires rudimentary data cleaning, has an easily understandable list of variables and sits at an optimal size between being to toyish and too cumbersome.
The data contains information from the 1990 California census. So although it may not help you with predicting current housing prices like the Zillow Zestimate dataset, it does provide an accessible introductory dataset for teaching people about the basics of machine learning.
Importing the libraries¶
import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#%matplotlib inline #Jupyter's own backend
import os
import seaborn as sns
import pickle
import joblib
About the dataset¶
"About the dataset" section is used for getting the insights about the housing dataset and patterns in data. The data pertains to the houses found in a given California district and some summary stats about them based on the 1990 census data. Be warned the data aren't cleaned so there are some preprocessing steps required! The columns are as follows, their names are pretty self explanitory:
housing = pd.read_csv('California_housing_price_data.csv')
longitude | latitude | housing_median_age | total_rooms | total_bedrooms | population | households | median_income | median_house_value | ocean_proximity | |
0 | -122.23 | 37.88 | 41.0 | 880.0 | 129.0 | 322.0 | 126.0 | 8.3252 | 452600.0 | NEAR BAY |
1 | -122.22 | 37.86 | 21.0 | 7099.0 | 1106.0 | 2401.0 | 1138.0 | 8.3014 | 358500.0 | NEAR BAY |
2 | -122.24 | 37.85 | 52.0 | 1467.0 | 190.0 | 496.0 | 177.0 | 7.2574 | 352100.0 | NEAR BAY |
3 | -122.25 | 37.85 | 52.0 | 1274.0 | 235.0 | 558.0 | 219.0 | 5.6431 | 341300.0 | NEAR BAY |
4 | -122.25 | 37.85 | 52.0 | 1627.0 | 280.0 | 565.0 | 259.0 | 3.8462 | 342200.0 | NEAR BAY |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 20640 entries, 0 to 20639 Data columns (total 10 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 longitude 20640 non-null float64 1 latitude 20640 non-null float64 2 housing_median_age 20640 non-null float64 3 total_rooms 20640 non-null float64 4 total_bedrooms 20433 non-null float64 5 population 20640 non-null float64 6 households 20640 non-null float64 7 median_income 20640 non-null float64 8 median_house_value 20640 non-null float64 9 ocean_proximity 20640 non-null object dtypes: float64(9), object(1) memory usage: 1.6+ MB
There are 206440 entries, ocean_proximity is object data type (it can hold any value)
longitude | latitude | housing_median_age | total_rooms | total_bedrooms | population | households | median_income | median_house_value | |
count | 20640.000000 | 20640.000000 | 20640.000000 | 20640.000000 | 20433.000000 | 20640.000000 | 20640.000000 | 20640.000000 | 20640.000000 |
mean | -119.569704 | 35.631861 | 28.639486 | 2635.763081 | 537.870553 | 1425.476744 | 499.539680 | 3.870671 | 206855.816909 |
std | 2.003532 | 2.135952 | 12.585558 | 2181.615252 | 421.385070 | 1132.462122 | 382.329753 | 1.899822 | 115395.615874 |
min | -124.350000 | 32.540000 | 1.000000 | 2.000000 | 1.000000 | 3.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.499900 | 14999.000000 |
25% | -121.800000 | 33.930000 | 18.000000 | 1447.750000 | 296.000000 | 787.000000 | 280.000000 | 2.563400 | 119600.000000 |
50% | -118.490000 | 34.260000 | 29.000000 | 2127.000000 | 435.000000 | 1166.000000 | 409.000000 | 3.534800 | 179700.000000 |
75% | -118.010000 | 37.710000 | 37.000000 | 3148.000000 | 647.000000 | 1725.000000 | 605.000000 | 4.743250 | 264725.000000 |
max | -114.310000 | 41.950000 | 52.000000 | 39320.000000 | 6445.000000 | 35682.000000 | 6082.000000 | 15.000100 | 500001.000000 |
housing.hist(bins = 50, figsize = (20,15))
Let's take a look into the only non-numerical (ocean_proximity) attribute:
<1H OCEAN 9136 INLAND 6551 NEAR OCEAN 2658 NEAR BAY 2290 ISLAND 5 Name: ocean_proximity, dtype: int64
Creating a test set¶
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
train_set, test_set = train_test_split(housing, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 0)
Test set should be representative of overall population. Since median_income attribute is important predictor of median prices, we will see if this part of the test set is representative of overall population. So we will create new income category attribute (income_cat) that will hold median income categories:
housing["median_income"].hist(bins = 50)
housing["income_cat"] = pd.cut(housing["median_income"],
bins = [0., 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6, np.inf],
labels = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
housing["income_cat"].hist(bins = 50)
Stratified sampling based on the income category
Creating the classes
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedShuffleSplit
split = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits = 1, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 0)
for train_index, test_index in split.split(housing, housing["income_cat"]):
strat_train_set = housing.loc[train_index]
strat_test_set = housing.loc[test_index]
Income category proportions in the overall dataset vs test set
Income category proportions in the overall dataset:
3 0.350581 2 0.318847 4 0.176308 5 0.114438 1 0.039826 Name: income_cat, dtype: float64
Income category proportions in the test set:
3 0.350533 2 0.318798 4 0.176357 5 0.114341 1 0.039971 Name: income_cat, dtype: float64
This way we see that the proportions in the test set generated using stratified sampling and the overall dataset are almost identical. Now we can remove the income_cat attribute:
for dataset in (strat_train_set, strat_test_set, housing):
dataset.drop("income_cat", axis = 1, inplace = True)
Data discovery and visualization¶
housing = strat_train_set.copy()
Visualize the geographical data
s - the radius of circles represents the population size
c - the color of the circles represents the price
housing.plot(kind = "scatter", x = "longitude", y = "latitude", alpha = 0.4,
s = housing["population"]/100, label = "population",
c = housing["median_house_value"], cmap = "jet", colorbar = True, figsize = (10,7))
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x22081bfcc88>
From this image, we can see that housing prices are related to the location and the population density. However, this isn't the rule always, as there is housing in the north close to the ocean but with lower price.
Looking for correlations
The dataset isn't too large -> we can compute standard correlation coefficient (Pearson's) between every pair of attributes:
It is visible from the correlation matrix that the median house value (target variable) is negatively correlated to latitude and population: the norther the house, the smaller the value. Also, median house value is positively correlated to median income, meaning the higher the median income in the district, the higher the median house value.
Next, scatter plots of the few attributes most correlated to the median house value will be created (pandas' scatter_matrix).
from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix
attributes = ["median_house_value", "longitude", "latitude", "population", "median_income"]
scatter_matrix(housing[attributes], figsize = (15,7))
array([[<AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_house_value', ylabel='median_house_value'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='longitude', ylabel='median_house_value'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='latitude', ylabel='median_house_value'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='population', ylabel='median_house_value'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_income', ylabel='median_house_value'>], [<AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_house_value', ylabel='longitude'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='longitude', ylabel='longitude'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='latitude', ylabel='longitude'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='population', ylabel='longitude'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_income', ylabel='longitude'>], [<AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_house_value', ylabel='latitude'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='longitude', ylabel='latitude'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='latitude', ylabel='latitude'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='population', ylabel='latitude'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_income', ylabel='latitude'>], [<AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_house_value', ylabel='population'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='longitude', ylabel='population'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='latitude', ylabel='population'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='population', ylabel='population'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_income', ylabel='population'>], [<AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_house_value', ylabel='median_income'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='longitude', ylabel='median_income'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='latitude', ylabel='median_income'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='population', ylabel='median_income'>, <AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_income', ylabel='median_income'>]], dtype=object)
Median house value and median income
housing.plot(kind = "scatter", x = "median_income", y = "median_house_value", figsize = (15,7))
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_income', ylabel='median_house_value'>
The horizontal lines are result of data capping and they will be removed so that the algorithm doesn't reproduce these data quirks.
housing["median_house_value"].value_counts(sort = "desc")
500001.0 769 162500.0 94 137500.0 93 112500.0 83 225000.0 77 ... 499100.0 1 456200.0 1 398500.0 1 351800.0 1 371300.0 1 Name: median_house_value, Length: 3666, dtype: int64
capped_val_remove = [500001.0, 137500.0, 162500.0, 112500.0, 225000.0, 187500.0, 350000.0, 87500.0, 100000.0, 275000.0,
150000.0, 175000.0]
for value in capped_val_remove:
housing = housing[housing.median_house_value != value]
The scatterplot after removing the capped values:
housing.plot(kind = "scatter", x = "median_income", y = "median_house_value", figsize = (15,7))
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='median_income', ylabel='median_house_value'>
Creating new variables - attvalues combinations
There are a couple of new attributes we can create from existing ones for every district:
- Number of bedrooms per household
- Number of rooms per household
- Number of bedrooms per room
- Number of people (population) per household
housing["bedrooms_per_household"] = housing["total_bedrooms"]/housing["households"]
housing["rooms_per_household"] = housing["total_rooms"]/housing["households"]
housing["bedrooms_per_room"] = housing["total_bedrooms"]/housing["total_rooms"]
housing["population_per_household"] = housing["population"]/housing["households"]
Now let's see the correlation matrix and if there are any bigger correlation factors:
From the heatmap of a correlation matrix, it is visible that median_house_value:
has higher negative correlation to bedrooms_per_household than with total_bedrooms in a district. We can say that the houses with more bedrooms cost less
has high negative correlation to bedrooms_per_room, so the houses with higher bedrooms/room ratio are cheaper
has higher positive correlation to rooms_per_household than to total_rooms in a district. Houses with more rooms (bigger houses) cost more.
Preparing the data for Machine Learning algorithms¶
Creating the clean training_set and separating the predictors and labels:
housing = strat_train_set.drop("median_house_value", axis = 1)
housing_labels = strat_train_set["median_house_value"]
Data cleaning - missing values
longitude False latitude False housing_median_age False total_rooms False total_bedrooms True population False households False median_income False ocean_proximity False dtype: bool
housing[housing.isna().any(axis = 1)]
longitude | latitude | housing_median_age | total_rooms | total_bedrooms | population | households | median_income | ocean_proximity | |
13656 | -117.30 | 34.05 | 6.0 | 2155.0 | NaN | 1039.0 | 391.0 | 1.6675 | INLAND |
2028 | -119.75 | 36.71 | 38.0 | 1481.0 | NaN | 1543.0 | 372.0 | 1.4577 | INLAND |
9970 | -122.48 | 38.50 | 37.0 | 3049.0 | NaN | 1287.0 | 439.0 | 4.3125 | INLAND |
7330 | -118.17 | 33.98 | 41.0 | 756.0 | NaN | 873.0 | 212.0 | 2.7321 | <1H OCEAN |
8383 | -118.36 | 33.96 | 26.0 | 3543.0 | NaN | 2742.0 | 951.0 | 2.5504 | <1H OCEAN |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
13069 | -121.30 | 38.58 | 16.0 | 1537.0 | NaN | 1125.0 | 375.0 | 2.6471 | INLAND |
11441 | -117.98 | 33.73 | 18.0 | 3833.0 | NaN | 2192.0 | 996.0 | 3.4679 | <1H OCEAN |
13597 | -117.28 | 34.09 | 44.0 | 376.0 | NaN | 273.0 | 107.0 | 2.2917 | INLAND |
14641 | -117.20 | 32.79 | 29.0 | 1213.0 | NaN | 654.0 | 246.0 | 4.5987 | NEAR OCEAN |
16104 | -122.50 | 37.75 | 45.0 | 1620.0 | NaN | 941.0 | 328.0 | 4.3859 | NEAR OCEAN |
168 rows × 9 columns
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy = "median")
housing_numerical_attributes = housing.drop("ocean_proximity", axis = 1)
The imputer stored median values of every attribute in statistics_ instance variable
array([-118.49 , 34.25 , 29. , 2129. , 436. , 1167. , 410. , 3.5343])
X = imputer.transform(housing_numerical_attributes)
array([[-1.2287e+02, 3.8480e+01, 2.7000e+01, ..., 1.8320e+03, 7.1500e+02, 3.5085e+00], [-1.1834e+02, 3.4020e+01, 4.9000e+01, ..., 8.9600e+02, 3.8900e+02, 2.5156e+00], [-1.2242e+02, 3.7790e+01, 5.2000e+01, ..., 2.1120e+03, 1.0450e+03, 2.1343e+00], ..., [-1.2198e+02, 3.7220e+01, 4.6000e+01, ..., 3.7280e+03, 1.7810e+03, 5.2321e+00], [-1.1808e+02, 3.3880e+01, 2.6000e+01, ..., 9.3100e+02, 2.7500e+02, 5.1645e+00], [-1.1818e+02, 3.3800e+01, 3.0000e+01, ..., 2.9510e+03, 6.9100e+02, 1.7689e+00]])
housing_tr = pd.DataFrame(X, columns = housing_numerical_attributes.columns, index = housing_numerical_attributes.index)
New data frame with replaced Na values:
longitude | latitude | housing_median_age | total_rooms | total_bedrooms | population | households | median_income | |
19328 | -122.87 | 38.48 | 27.0 | 3894.0 | 776.0 | 1832.0 | 715.0 | 3.5085 |
4806 | -118.34 | 34.02 | 49.0 | 1609.0 | 371.0 | 896.0 | 389.0 | 2.5156 |
15645 | -122.42 | 37.79 | 52.0 | 3364.0 | 1100.0 | 2112.0 | 1045.0 | 2.1343 |
2975 | -119.08 | 35.32 | 8.0 | 11609.0 | 2141.0 | 5696.0 | 2100.0 | 5.0012 |
18823 | -121.62 | 41.78 | 40.0 | 3272.0 | 663.0 | 1467.0 | 553.0 | 1.7885 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
12239 | -116.93 | 33.73 | 13.0 | 3603.0 | 573.0 | 1644.0 | 515.0 | 4.0433 |
12181 | -117.27 | 33.77 | 16.0 | 2876.0 | 576.0 | 1859.0 | 545.0 | 2.0878 |
18041 | -121.98 | 37.22 | 46.0 | 10088.0 | 1910.0 | 3728.0 | 1781.0 | 5.2321 |
7915 | -118.08 | 33.88 | 26.0 | 1507.0 | 270.0 | 931.0 | 275.0 | 5.1645 |
8123 | -118.18 | 33.80 | 30.0 | 2734.0 | 758.0 | 2951.0 | 691.0 | 1.7689 |
16512 rows × 8 columns
Handling text and categorical variables
housing_categorical = housing[["ocean_proximity"]]
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder
ordinal_encoder = OrdinalEncoder()
housing_categorical_encoded = ordinal_encoder.fit_transform(housing_categorical)
array([[0.], [0.], [3.], ..., [0.], [0.], [4.]])
array([[0.], [0.], [3.], [1.], [1.], [0.], [4.], [3.], [0.], [0.]])
[array(['<1H OCEAN', 'INLAND', 'ISLAND', 'NEAR BAY', 'NEAR OCEAN'], dtype=object)]
housing_categorical_encoded variable has encoded categories of ocean_proximity, however, those categories aren't more similar if closer to one another, so one-hot encoding will be used instead of ordinal encoding:
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
one_hot_encoder = OneHotEncoder()
housing_categorical_1hot = one_hot_encoder.fit_transform(housing_categorical)
<16512x5 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>' with 16512 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
Custom transformer that adds the combined attributes (rooms_per_household, bedrooms_per_room, population_per_household)
- BaseEstimator - base class
- Transformermixin - base class
- CombinedAttributesAdder - custom transformer with add_bedrooms_per_room hyperparameter used to see if the algorithm works better with or without it
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
rooms, bedrooms, population, households = 3,4,5,6
class CombinedAttributesAdder(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
def __init__(self, add_bedrooms_per_room = True):
self.add_bedrooms_per_room = add_bedrooms_per_room
def fit(self, X, y = None):
return self
def transform(self, X):
rooms_per_household = X[:, rooms] / X[:, households]
population_per_household = X[:, population] / X[:, households]
if self.add_bedrooms_per_room:
bedrooms_per_room = X[:, bedrooms] / X[:, rooms]
return np.c_[X, rooms_per_household, population_per_household, bedrooms_per_room]
return np.c_[X, rooms_per_household, population_per_household]
attribute_add = CombinedAttributesAdder(add_bedrooms_per_room = False)
housing_added_attributes = attribute_add.transform(housing.values)
Transformation pipeline
Transformation pipeline is used to get all the sequences of transformations on columns. This way, we will replace steps such as imputing the Na values, combining attributes and scaling into one pipeline.
Transformation pipeline for numerical attributes:
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
num_att_pipeline = Pipeline(
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy = "median")),
('attributes_adder', CombinedAttributesAdder()),
('scaler', StandardScaler())
housing_numerical_transformator = num_att_pipeline.fit_transform(housing_numerical_attributes)
One transformer for all the columns would be even more useful (transformations pipeline with multiple transformations used on numerical attributes and OneHotEncoder used on categorical attributes), so here ColumnTransformer comes into play:
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
numerical_attributes = list(housing_numerical_attributes)
categorical_attributes = ["ocean_proximity"]
full_pipeline = ColumnTransformer(
("numerical", num_att_pipeline, numerical_attributes),
("categorical", OneHotEncoder(), categorical_attributes)
housing_data_prepared = full_pipeline.fit_transform(housing)
Select and train a model¶
Linear Regression
housing_labels - Linear Regression parameter of target attribute median_house_value
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
lin_reg = LinearRegression(), housing_labels)
Predicting the test set labels:
housing_predictions_lr = lin_reg.predict(housing_data_prepared)
Housing prediction (also marked as y_pred in other notebooks) is a predictions vector:
array([227885.17864683, 199641.86684096, 250266.3411042 , ..., 390470.03651553, 255128.59200036, 121600.21548033])
Model evaluation
Since the data doesn't have many outliers and the task is regression task, we will use RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error):
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
mse = mean_squared_error(housing_labels, housing_predictions_lr)
rmse = np.sqrt(mse)
Decision Tree
Typical prediction error of $68,284 is not very satisfying - model is underfitting the training data. Let's try with a more complex machine learning model - Decision Tree:
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
tree_reg = DecisionTreeRegressor(), housing_labels)
housing_predictions_tree = tree_reg.predict(housing_data_prepared)
mse_tree = mean_squared_error(housing_labels, housing_predictions_tree)
rmse_tree = np.sqrt(mse_tree)
K-Fold cross validation
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
scores = cross_val_score(tree_reg, housing_data_prepared, housing_labels, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error", cv = 10)
tree_rmse_scores = np.sqrt(-scores)
Scores of cross validation mean and std (standard deviation shows how precise the estimate of the performance of the model is):
def display_scores(scores):
print("Score: ", scores)
print("Score Mean: ", scores.mean())
print("Score Standard Deviation: ", scores.std())
Score: [70867.13593652 72892.37301742 73472.35122712 68475.60192442 69586.80513039 73988.86415414 70131.22658458 69278.12713091 73024.77682906 69368.5830703 ] Score Mean: 71108.58450048491 Score Standard Deviation: 1933.3187345919616
Decision Tree RMSE Mean is higher than Linear Regression RMSE Mean, which shows the Decision Tree model performs worse than Linear Regression model.
In comparison, k-fold cross validation for linear regression model:
scores_lr = cross_val_score(lin_reg, housing_data_prepared, housing_labels, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error", cv = 10)
lr_rmse_scores = np.sqrt(-scores_lr)
Score: [65993.97246676 69010.24806374 71413.83112493 68742.95840851 68937.97597951 66882.38169636 68302.97258028 66747.85112588 69786.49966527 69063.19231501] Score Mean: 68488.18834262603 Score Standard Deviation: 1515.8560925367442
Random Forest
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
rf_reg = RandomForestRegressor(), housing_labels)
rf_predictions = rf_reg.predict(housing_data_prepared)
K-Fold Cross Validation for Random Forest model:
scores_rf = cross_val_score(rf_reg, housing_data_prepared, housing_labels, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error", cv = 10)
rf_rmse_scores = np.sqrt(-scores_rf)
Score: [47504.15160053 52200.2686256 50564.82682999 50781.39732055 51795.44411491 47379.13993725 50206.37623744 49661.56802871 51760.64607711 50167.05049014] Score Mean: 50202.086926223055 Score Standard Deviation: 1580.1612571126116
Mean of RMSE score of Ranfom Forest is 50,204, which means the Random Forest model performs better than Linear Regression or Decision Tree. Saving the models into pickle and joblib:
import pickle, joblib
joblib.dump(lin_reg ,"models/linear_regression_model.pkl")
joblib.dump(tree_reg ,"models/decision_tree_model.pkl")
joblib.dump(rf_reg ,"models/random_forest_model.pkl")
Fine-tuning the model¶
To Fine-tune the model, we can use Grid Search,Randomized Search or Ensemble methods.
Grid Search
Random Forest Regression hyperparameters:
n_estimators = number of trees in the foreset
max_features = max number of features considered for splitting a node
max_depth = max number of levels in each decision tree
min_samples_split = min number of data points placed in a node before the node is split
min_samples_leaf = min number of data points allowed in a leaf node
bootstrap = method for sampling data points (with or without replacement)
class sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor( n_estimators=100, criterion='mse', max_depth=None, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None, min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None, bootstrap=True, oob_score=False, n_jobs=None, random_state=None, verbose=0, warm_start=False, ccp_alpha=0.0, max_samples=None)
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
param_grid = [
{'n_estimators': [3, 10, 30, 60], 'max_features': [2, 4, 6, 8]},
{'bootstrap': [False], 'n_estimators': [3, 10], 'max_features': [8, 10, 12]}
grid_search = GridSearchCV(rf_reg, param_grid, cv = 5, scoring = 'neg_mean_squared_error', return_train_score = True), housing_labels)
GridSearchCV(cv=5, estimator=RandomForestRegressor(), param_grid=[{'max_features': [2, 4, 6, 8], 'n_estimators': [3, 10, 30, 60]}, {'bootstrap': [False], 'max_features': [8, 10, 12], 'n_estimators': [3, 10]}], return_train_score=True, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')
{'max_features': 6, 'n_estimators': 60}
Fitting the Random Forest regressor to the training set for the best parameters found by grid search:
rf_reg = RandomForestRegressor(max_features = 6, n_estimators = 60), housing_labels)
rf_predictions = rf_reg.predict(housing_data_prepared)
scores_rf = cross_val_score(rf_reg, housing_data_prepared, housing_labels, scoring = 'neg_mean_squared_error', cv = 5)
rf_rmse_scores = np.sqrt(-scores_rf)
Score: [48899.02627117 49657.95519563 49241.08859839 49745.78592582 50576.80152936] Score Mean: 49624.13150407393 Score Standard Deviation: 564.9820322649208
Randomized search
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
n_estimators = [int(x) for x in np.linspace(start = 60, stop = 100, num = 5)]
max_features = [int(x) for x in np.linspace(start = 8, stop = 24, num = 5)]
bootstrap = [True, False]
min_samples_split = [2, 5]
random_grid = {'n_estimators': n_estimators,
'max_features' : max_features,
'bootstrap' : bootstrap,
'min_samples_split' : min_samples_split
rf = RandomForestRegressor()
#random_search = RandomizedSearchCV(estimator = rf, param_distributions = random_grid, scoring = 'neg_mean_squared_error',
# n_iter = 5, cv = 5, verbose = 2, random_state = 0,
# n_jobs = -1, return_train_score = True), housing_labels)
{'max_features': 6, 'n_estimators': 60}
Feature importance¶
feature_importances = grid_search.best_estimator_.feature_importances_
array([7.34461873e-02, 6.69642410e-02, 4.32242275e-02, 1.84134891e-02, 1.69910375e-02, 1.74888957e-02, 1.60927292e-02, 3.49117124e-01, 5.80760542e-02, 1.08437349e-01, 7.02742716e-02, 9.49586160e-03, 1.43180408e-01, 2.17704877e-04, 2.57788388e-03, 6.00253535e-03])
Next, we will sort the attributes with corresponding importances:
*To get the importance for each feature name, just iterate through the columns names and feature_importances together (they map to each other)
Categorical features:
categorical_attributes = list(full_pipeline.named_transformers_["categorical"].categories_[0])
Numerical features:
['longitude', 'latitude', 'housing_median_age', 'total_rooms', 'total_bedrooms', 'population', 'households', 'median_income']
Added features:
added_attributes = ["rooms_per_household", "bedrooms_per_room", "population_per_household"]
attributes = numerical_attributes + added_attributes + categorical_attributes
sorted(zip(feature_importances, attributes), reverse = True)
[(0.3491171241283019, 'median_income'), (0.14318040769461057, 'INLAND'), (0.10843734934721773, 'bedrooms_per_room'), (0.07344618733643671, 'longitude'), (0.07027427156723706, 'population_per_household'), (0.06696424099250067, 'latitude'), (0.058076054208137814, 'rooms_per_household'), (0.04322422753185474, 'housing_median_age'), (0.018413489060851492, 'total_rooms'), (0.01748889574074006, 'population'), (0.0169910375121366, 'total_bedrooms'), (0.01609272916920267, 'households'), (0.00949586159609365, '<1H OCEAN'), (0.0060025353539539415, 'NEAR OCEAN'), (0.0025778838836174197, 'NEAR BAY'), (0.0002177048771068862, 'ISLAND')]
With this information, we will drop least important features:
data_hot_encoded = pd.DataFrame(housing_data_prepared, index = housing.index)
data_hot_encoded.drop(data_hot_encoded.columns[9], axis = 1, inplace = True)
data_hot_encoded.drop(data_hot_encoded.columns[10], axis = 1, inplace = True)
data_hot_encoded.drop(data_hot_encoded.columns[11], axis = 1, inplace = True)
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 15 | |
19328 | -1.650449 | 1.336628 | -0.128215 | 0.583222 | 0.575364 | 0.355824 | 0.567968 | -0.190543 | 0.008322 | -0.229227 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
4806 | 0.610133 | -0.749932 | 1.624665 | -0.471694 | -0.395935 | -0.465372 | -0.289200 | -0.712810 | -0.535529 | 0.265086 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
15645 | -1.425888 | 1.013819 | 1.863694 | 0.338537 | 1.352403 | 0.601481 | 1.435654 | -0.913375 | -0.916297 | 1.787865 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 |
2975 | 0.240854 | -0.141742 | -1.642065 | 4.145006 | 3.849001 | 3.745890 | 4.209620 | 0.594621 | 0.042343 | -0.463852 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
18823 | -1.026668 | 2.880494 | 0.907578 | 0.296064 | 0.304360 | 0.035593 | 0.142013 | -1.095267 | 0.203734 | -0.176357 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
12239 | 1.313757 | -0.885605 | -1.243683 | 0.448876 | 0.088516 | 0.190883 | 0.042098 | 0.090763 | 0.651840 | -0.864895 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
12181 | 1.144089 | -0.866891 | -1.004654 | 0.113242 | 0.095710 | 0.379513 | 0.120979 | -0.937834 | -0.061881 | -0.213477 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
18041 | -1.206317 | 0.747151 | 1.385636 | 3.442806 | 3.295001 | 2.019273 | 3.370857 | 0.716075 | 0.098865 | -0.386334 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
7915 | 0.739879 | -0.815429 | -0.207891 | -0.518784 | -0.638160 | -0.434665 | -0.588946 | 0.680517 | 0.022374 | -0.546960 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
8123 | 0.689976 | -0.852856 | 0.110814 | 0.047685 | 0.532195 | 1.337575 | 0.504864 | -1.105576 | -0.610122 | 1.002225 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
16512 rows × 13 columns
Evaluating the model on the test set¶
longitude | latitude | housing_median_age | total_rooms | total_bedrooms | population | households | median_income | median_house_value | ocean_proximity | |
2572 | -124.15 | 40.78 | 36.0 | 2112.0 | 374.0 | 829.0 | 368.0 | 3.3984 | 90000.0 | NEAR OCEAN |
19298 | -122.80 | 38.39 | 26.0 | 2273.0 | 474.0 | 1124.0 | 420.0 | 2.9453 | 166700.0 | <1H OCEAN |
11018 | -117.80 | 33.77 | 29.0 | 5436.0 | 707.0 | 2046.0 | 685.0 | 8.7496 | 349500.0 | <1H OCEAN |
20392 | -118.87 | 34.23 | 14.0 | 4242.0 | 746.0 | 1858.0 | 689.0 | 6.0145 | 287100.0 | <1H OCEAN |
19994 | -119.37 | 36.19 | 24.0 | 1306.0 | 266.0 | 889.0 | 276.0 | 2.4922 | 66100.0 | INLAND |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
19645 | -120.72 | 37.54 | 17.0 | 729.0 | 134.0 | 431.0 | 121.0 | 4.2188 | 131300.0 | INLAND |
5076 | -118.32 | 33.98 | 49.0 | 1993.0 | 446.0 | 1052.0 | 394.0 | 2.2138 | 119800.0 | <1H OCEAN |
5798 | -118.24 | 34.13 | 37.0 | 1644.0 | 395.0 | 959.0 | 383.0 | 3.3636 | 257700.0 | <1H OCEAN |
20030 | -119.03 | 36.08 | 19.0 | 2471.0 | 431.0 | 1040.0 | 426.0 | 3.2500 | 80600.0 | INLAND |
11296 | -117.92 | 33.79 | 26.0 | 2737.0 | 614.0 | 1877.0 | 606.0 | 2.8622 | 184300.0 | <1H OCEAN |
4128 rows × 10 columns
final_model = grid_search.best_estimator_
X_test = strat_test_set.drop("median_house_value", axis = 1)
y_test = strat_test_set["median_house_value"].copy()
X_test_prepared = full_pipeline.transform(X_test)
final_predictions = final_model.predict(X_test_prepared)
final_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, final_predictions)
final_rmse = np.sqrt(final_mse)
We want to have an idea how precise this estimate is - computing 95% confidence interval for the generalization error
from scipy import stats
confidence = 0.95
squared_errors = (final_predictions - y_test)**2
np.sqrt(stats.t.interval(confidence, len(squared_errors) - 1,
loc = squared_errors.mean(),
scale = stats.sem(squared_errors)))
array([45591.23561515, 49751.49144018])
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